You can achive grades such as 7-point and above in IELTS and 105-point and above in TOEFL exams with our academicians..
Our IELTS courses are one-to-ne courses and you can guarantee a high score within 12 courses.
We follow the 4C principles to prepare for IELTS and TOEFL exams. Thanks to this system, our students succeed. We have hundreds IELTS and TOEFL exams. Our tests are free for our students. All students who take minimum 12 test in IELTS in our training centers have a minimum 6.5 point and 102 point in TOEFL.
If you do not take lessons from us, you may take tests for IELTS and TOEFL in our training centers in return for 50 TL.
Writing sections in IELTS are the most challenging sections for students.
Most of the universities also take wiritng sections seriously. If you want to apply universities, you should not evaluate the writing sections as a grammer measuring. It is more than that and it should be studied in one-to-one lessons.
Our writing lessons are given by the academicans who are experts on their fields.